######### GIVIP BUILD INSTRUCTIONS ######### Thank you for downloading GiViP! To build the system, first checkout all repositories. Then compile and install (using Maven) GiViP-Common. Once done, compile Giraph-for-Givip and you will find the jar containing the profiled version of Giraph into the "target" folder. Giraph binaries may now be used as the unmodified program. To import the data into GiViP, build GiViP-Parser and execute it: it takes one command line argument, the HDFS path (with trailing backslash) in which the jobs are saved (default /user/{USERNAME}/profiler). Please note that before compiling the software the credentials to access the SQL server should be given into the "application.properties" file found in the "resources" folder. Once the data has ben loaded onto the SQL server, compile and start GiViP-Server. Again, beforehand the credentials to access the SQL server should be inserted into the "application.properties" files into the "resources folder". If needed, modify the SQL server URL into "js/function.js" into GiViP-Client and, once loaded into an appropriate WEB server, explore the generated data using the web interface. Please, send any inquiry about bugs and suggestions to ingarleo@icloud.com